Source code for apps.widgets.raffle.models

"""Provides the model for the raffle widget."""

from django.db import models
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from apps.managers.cache_mgr import cache_mgr
from apps.utils.utils import media_file_path
from apps.managers.challenge_mgr.models import RoundSetting

"""Number of points required to earn a raffle ticket"""

_MEDIA_LOCATION = "prizes"
"""location for uploaded files."""

[docs]class RafflePrize(models.Model): """RafflePrize model""" round = models.ForeignKey(RoundSetting, null=True, blank=True, help_text="The round of the raffle prize.") title = models.CharField(max_length=50, help_text="The title of the raffle prize.") value = models.IntegerField(help_text="The value of the raffle prize") description = models.TextField( help_text="Description of the raffle prize. Uses " \ "<a href=''>Markdown</a> " \ "formatting." ) image = models.ImageField( max_length=1024, upload_to=media_file_path(_MEDIA_LOCATION), blank=True, help_text="A picture of the raffle prize." ) winner = models.ForeignKey(User, null=True, blank=True, help_text="The winner of the raffle prize. Normally, this is " "randomly picked by the system at the end of the round.") admin_tool_tip = "" def __unicode__(self): if self.round == None: return "%s: %s" % (self.round, self.title) else: return "%s: %s" % (, self.title)
[docs] def add_ticket(self, user): """Adds a ticket from the user if they have one. Throws an exception if they cannot add a ticket.""" ticket = RaffleTicket(raffle_prize=self, user=user) cache_mgr.delete('get_quests-%s' % user.username)
[docs] def remove_ticket(self, user): """Removes an allocated ticket.""" # Get the first ticket that matches the query. ticket = RaffleTicket.objects.filter(raffle_prize=self, user=user)[0] ticket.delete()
[docs] def allocated_tickets(self, user=None): """Returns the number of tickets allocated to this prize. Takes an optional argument to return the number of tickets allocated by the user.""" query = self.raffleticket_set if user: query = query.filter(user=user) return query.count()
[docs]class RaffleTicket(models.Model): """Raffle ticket model""" user = models.ForeignKey(User) raffle_prize = models.ForeignKey(RafflePrize) created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, editable=False) updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True, editable=False) def __unicode__(self): return "" @staticmethod
[docs] def available_tickets(user): """Returns the number of raffle tickets the user has available.""" profile = user.profile total_tickets = profile.points() / POINTS_PER_TICKET allocated_tickets = user.raffleticket_set.count() return total_tickets - allocated_tickets
[docs] def total_tickets(user): """Return the total tickets available for this user.""" return user.profile.points() / POINTS_PER_TICKET