Source code for apps.widgets.wallpost.views

"""Handles wall post widget request and rendering."""
import json
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.http import Http404, HttpResponse
from django.template.context import RequestContext
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
from apps.managers.team_mgr.models import Post
from apps.widgets.wallpost.forms import WallForm

"""Number of posts to load at a time."""

[docs]def supply(request, page_name): """supply the view_objects.""" return { "default_post_count": DEFAULT_POST_COUNT, "request": request, "page_name": page_name, }
[docs]def super_supply(request, page_name, agent): """supply the view_objects.""" agent_post = agent + "_post" user = request.user team = if "last_post" in request.GET: posts = Post.objects.filter( style_class=agent_post, team=team, id__lt=int(request.GET["last_post"])).select_related( 'user__profile').order_by("-id") else: posts = Post.objects.filter( style_class=agent_post, team=team ).select_related('user__profile').order_by("-id") user_title = "Team News Feed" system_title = "Game Feed" description = "" post_count = posts.count() posts = posts[:DEFAULT_POST_COUNT] is_more_posts = True if post_count > DEFAULT_POST_COUNT else False wall_form = WallForm(initial={"page_name": page_name}) return { "page_name": page_name, "user_title": user_title, "system_title": system_title, "description": description, "posts": posts, "more_posts": is_more_posts, "wall_form": wall_form, }
@login_required @login_required
[docs]def post(request): """handle the submission of the wall post""" if request.is_ajax() and request.method == "POST": form = WallForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): wall_post = Post( user=request.user,, text=form.cleaned_data["post"] ) # Render the post and send it as a response. template = render_to_string("user_post.html", {"post": wall_post}, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) return HttpResponse(json.dumps({ "contents": template, }), mimetype="application/json") # At this point there is a form validation error. return HttpResponse(json.dumps({ "message": "This should not be blank." }), mimetype="application/json") raise Http404