.. _section-configuration-game-admin-badge: Design the Badge Game Mechanics =============================== About Badge Game Mechanics -------------------------- Badges are a common game mechanic, in which players receive recognition for various accomplishments. Makahiki allows the challenge designer to specify the set of badges available in a challenge, and to define new ones. The challenge designer has the option of making badges worth points. Finally, the designer can use the Makahiki predicate system to award a badge automatically (for example, when a player has completed a Level in the Smart Grid Game), or manually award the badge through administrator action (for example, when a player reports a significant bug in the system). In many systems, each badge has a custom design, but in Makahiki, we decided that the overhead of providing a custom graphic for each badge outweighed the benefits. Providing a custom graphic also would creates complexity with another feature of Makahiki: the ability to create "themes" with different colors (see :ref:`section-theme-development`). To facilitate theme development, badges have a common look and feel consisting of a circle and a multi-character ID. Its actual colors are specified by the theme, and can thus vary from theme to theme. Here is a screen image showing some badges accumulated by a player in a recent challenge: .. figure:: figs/configuration/challenge-design-game-admin-badge-examples.png :width: 600 px :align: center Managing badges --------------- After clicking on the "Badges" link in the Game Admin widget, a page similar to the following should appear: .. figure:: figs/configuration/configuration-game-admin-badge-list.png :width: 600 px :align: center This page displays all the badges in the system. To add a new badge, click the "Add badge" button in the upper right corner. Change a Badge -------------- Clicking on a badge instance brings up a page with information about the badge: .. figure:: figs/configuration/configuration-game-admin-badge-change.png :width: 600 px :align: center Note the following: * *Name:* Should be unique within this set of badges. * *Slug:* You can allow the system to generate this; it must also be unique. * *Label:* What appears in the the badge icon; should be unique across all badge labels. * *Description:* What achievment led to the badge award. * *Hint:* What appears in the Badge Library page. You can either specify exactly what earns the badge, or just provide a hint. * *Points:* How many points this badge is worth. Could be zero. * *Priority:* Specifies the order in which the badges appear in the Badge Library page. * *Award condition:* Use "False" to award the badge manually, or else create a predicate to specify when the badge should be awarded to the player. * *Award trigger:* How often the system should check to see if badges should be awarded. * *Theme:* Select one of five possible themes. The examples are based upon the current theme, but the actual display will be based upon whatever the player has selected. .. note:: Remember to click the Save button at the bottom of the page when finished to save your changes.