Testing ======= This document contains notes on writing and executing tests. Install Firefox --------------- Because we use Firefox for our browser test, please make sure that Firefox is installed before running the test. Run the test suite ------------------ Now invoke the test suite as follows:: % ./manage.py test You can also run tests for individual apps by passing in the test modules in those apps as parameters. For example, ``python manage.py test apps.widgets.scoreboard.tests`` will run the tests in module ``apps/widgets/scoreboard/tests.py``. Creating Tests -------------- Test modules are normally named ``tests.py`` under the individual apps directory. If there are more than one test modules, they could be named ``*_tests.py`` and located under the ``tests`` directory of the individual apps. We use ``django.test.TransactionTestCase`` for non-browser test cases, and ``LiveServerTestCase`` for browser test cases, which use the selenium test tool. See `django testing`_ for more details in Django testing framework. .. _django testing: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.4/topics/testing/ Creating Selenium Tests ----------------------- There are two ways to create Selenium tests; by hand or using the Selenium IDE. If you choose to write them yourself, the Python WebDriver API (http://readthedocs.org/docs/selenium-python/en/latest/api.html) has a list of functions that might be useful when creating tests. While tedious, it will prevent you from running into compatibility errors. The other way is to use the Selenium IDE plugin for Firefox. Using the Selenium IDE, your actions on the website can be recorded and then exported to Python. Use Firefox and go to [[http://seleniumhq.org/download/]] to download and install the plugin. After it is downloaded, restart Firefox to complete the installation. In Firefox, go to ``http://localhost:8000``. Start the Selenium IDE by going to Tools->Selenium IDE. By default, it starts recording once you open the IDE. Create your test by navigating through the site as a user would. You have access to additional test assertion commands by right clicking on the page. However, the downside of the IDE is that not all of the Selenium assertions work when exported to the WebDriver format that Django will use. Once you are done, click on the red “record” icon on the Selenium IDE to stop it from recording. You can then export your test by going to “File->Export Test Case As->Python 2 (WebDriver)”. Once the test is exported, it still needs to be edited to fit within our framework. Editing exported Selenium tests to run within our test framework ---------------------------------------------------------------- When the test is exported, it needs to be edited a little to support our test framework. By default, a test comes out something like this. :: from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import Select from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException import unittest, time, re class Test(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.driver = webdriver.Firefox() self.driver.implicitly_wait(30) self.base_url = "http://localhost:8000/" self.verificationErrors = [] def test_(self): driver = self.driver driver.get(self.base_url + "/account/login/") def tearDown(self): self.driver.quit() self.assertEqual([], self.verificationErrors) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main() Things that need to be changed: - Delete the existing imports. Instead, import MakahikiSeleniumTestCase from apps.utils.selenium_helpers and test_utils from apps.test_helpers. - Change the Test class to inherit from MakahikiSeleniumTestCase. - Remove the setUp and tearDown methods. These are handled for you in MakahikiSeleniumTestCase. Note that MakahikiSeleniumTestCase has a few useful functions, like ``login(username, password)`` and ``logout()``. - After the class definition, add in a few base test fixtures (i.e. `fixtures = ["base_pages.json"]`). You may want to enter additional fixtures from the fixtures directory. The two fixtures in the example are highly recommended unless you have a specific reason not to include them. - Remove the if statement at the end. - Put in comments and change the name of the test class. After this, your test should look something like this: :: """ Tests for the pages module. """ from apps.utils.selenium_helpers import MakahikiSeleniumTestCase from apps.utils import test_utils class LandingSeleniumTestCase(MakahikiSeleniumTestCase): """Selenium tests for the home page.""" fixtures = ["base_pages.json"] def testLogin(self): self.login("username", "password") self.logout()