.. _section-installation-makahiki-vagrant: Local Virtual Machine Installation on Vagrant ============================================= Vagrant is an application for managing virtual machines that enables the same configuration to be applied to more than one machine based on a Vagrantfile. This allows virtual machines used by different developers to have the same settings and environment configured on them automatically. Vagrant can be installed on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows. This virtual machine is for development. It should not be used as a production server. To install VirtualBox and Vagrant and download the Makahiki source code, use :ref:`section-installation-makahiki-vagrant-environment-setup`. To install Makahiki on Vagrant and start the server, use :ref:`section-installation-makahiki-vagrant-quickstart`. If you want to use Eclipse to develop software with Makahiki, use :ref:`section-installation-makahiki-vagrant-eclipse`. The rest of these sections are optional. They describe how to make changes to the configuration of Makahiki and the Vagrant virtual machine. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 installation-makahiki-vagrant-environment-setup installation-makahiki-vagrant-quickstart installation-makahiki-vagrant-eclipse installation-makahiki-vagrant-troubleshooting installation-makahiki-vagrant-running-makahiki installation-makahiki-vagrant-configuration-memcached installation-makahiki-vagrant-configuration-vagrant